Introducing the room

Joint Chamber of Commerce of Iran and Brazil is a national organization registered in the Chamber of Iran with the mission of developing economic activity with Brazil, which is obliged to make an effort to expand communication in all fields of trade and commerce between the two countries.

Vision and mission of the room

Vision: Increasing self-organization and balanced distribution of economic opportunities and providing the necessary background for industrial, commercial, mineral and agricultural investments between the members and businessmen of the two countries.
Mission: Development of economic activity with Brazil and efforts to expand communication in all commercial fields between the two countries.

The objectives and duties of the joint chamber of commerce of Iran and Brazil

• Efforts to expand the communication and relations between Iranian and Brazilian industrialists and businessmen in the field of trade, industry, services, agriculture, mining and other related matters;
• Studying in order to provide the necessary grounds for industrial, commercial, mineral and agricultural investments in the two countries;
• Collecting and evaluating statistical information and other useful information about commercial, industrial and economic issues of the two countries and placing this information at the disposal of Iranian and Brazilian applicants and cooperating with competent Iranian and Brazilian organizations and authorities in order to encourage and develop economic relations. between two countries;
• Expanding the exchange of trade and economic delegations between the two countries;
• Organizing meetings and conferences in the field of economic relations development between the two countries;
• Cooperation and joint efforts with mutual chambers in Brazil;
• Efforts to resolve disputes arising from economic relations between real and legal entities of Iran and Brazil through arbitration, and in case of failure, encouraging the parties to the dispute to resolve disputes through the Arbitration Center of the Iran Chamber;
• Administering the affairs of the Chamber in compliance with the provisions of this statute and in close cooperation with official authorities, Iranian and Brazilian organizations and institutions.

Câmara de Comércio, Indústrias, Minas e Agricultura Brasil-Irã CCIMABI
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